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Current Events and News Update

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Wonderful Possibilities Are Ours.--Our time here is short. We can pass through this world but once; as we pass along, let us make the most of life. The work to which we are called does not require wealth or social position or great ability. It requires a kindly, self-sacrificing spirit and a steadfast purpose. A lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited; yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and homes to the divine principles of life, we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life, and beauty, and fruitfulness where now are barrenness and dearth. {AH 32.5}
Faithful work done in the home educates others to do the same class of work. The spirit of fidelity to God is like leaven and, when manifested in the church, will have an effect upon others, and will be a recommendation to Christianity everywhere. The work of whole-souled soldiers of Christ is as far-reaching as eternity. Then why is it that there is such a lack of the missionary spirit in our churches? It is because there is a neglect of home piety. {AH 33.2}

God cannot approve of the least degree of covetousness or selfishness, and He abhors the prayers and exhortations of those who indulge these evil traits. As Satan sees that his time is short, he leads men on to be more and more selfish and covetous, and then exults as he sees them wrapped up in themselves, close, penurious, and selfish. If the eyes of such could be opened, they would see Satan in hellish triumph, exulting over them, and laughing at the folly of those who accept his suggestions and enter his snares. {CET 173.1}


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Our existence is based on the principles of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy (to the Law and Testimonies - Isa. 8:20; Rev. 19:10) which embodied in the fundamentals of the Seventh-Day Adventist, committed to carry out the Great Commission of Matt. 28:19, 20, which says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, {even} unto the end of the world, Amen."


To bring about the true revival and reformation of the standards set forth by the prophet, pioneers and the three angels messages to every Seventh-Day Adventist, empowered by the Holy Spirit in fulfillment to the prophetic role of every member to partake Christ's righteousness and be purified - the last work for God's people, the purification of the church (3T 255, 267). To cry aloud and blow the trumpet in Zion giving the last warning of the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord - the destruction of the wicked,  the tares separation from the wheat, (Malachi 4:5; Isa. 58:1; Joel 2:1, 15-18, 12, 13; GC88 310.3; Rev. 14:6, 7; Mat. 13:29, 30; TM 45, 46).

God's Call

The Almighty God has called us through His messenger that we should give ears to listen to His appointed human instrumentalities (TM 188, 475). Somebody is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah, which bring the purification of the church, the judgment of the living message through the fulfillment of the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. Taking heed to the 11th hour call of Matt. 20:2-16 - the last servants of the living God to be the first who will receive the penny-eternal life - the transformed and translated living saints (Mat. 19:30; 20:16; EW 14, 15)


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